now what?
I am living life husband free for a week. My sweet Raymond is off to CO for work for a week and Skippy and I are actually not sure what to do with ourselves. I have already cleaned up the mini-fridge in the garage and set up a beer fridge. This required moving a few things around since our garage is quite full of stuff (important tolls and lots of junk too), but was well worth the effort. I'm drinking one of the beers that didn't make the move to the new beer fridge as a reward for my hard work.
I am enjoying my summer vacation and am trying hard to not to think about how crazy things will be in August. I will be collecting data, studying for and passing qualifying exams and writing up my proposal. My sweet husband will be getting out of the Army (might have to rename my blog, huh?), searching for a new job and most likely moving. For today, all I need to do is feed my dog and grill some delicious herb butter filled sirloin burgers on the grill. See why it's so easy to ignore the fact that August right around the corner?
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