
Friday, February 20, 2009

corporate and government waste

I have had a unique week in which I have been able to experience first hand rampant corporate and government waste. It stared when I had to put some packets together for a meeting at NABE. My boss asked if I could put the materials in a nice UT folder. I thought I had enough at home, but it turns out I didn't so I asked around at work to see if anyone had any. There was not a single UT folder in the entire department of Curriculum & Instruction so I was authorized to go and buy some at the campus copy center. I was shocked to find out that a crappy folder with the UT logo costs $1.15! Believe me these folder are no where near as nice as the Mead folders you can get at any store for approximately a quarter. I, I mean UT of course, spent $30 on 25 folders that people will most likely toss out before they get on the plane to go back home. It astounds me why we can't just get them for free since it's all UT, but it's even more appauling that it costs that much for low quality stuff. My boss says universities are all about robbing Peter to pay Paul, but somehow I'm not comforted by this fact no matter how true it is.

It gets way worse. So I also had to arrange for beverages at the room at the Hilton where we are having our meeting. I and about 17 others (5 of which work for the journal hosting the meeting) will have the pleasure of drinking bottles of Ozarka water at $4 a pop and some delicious hot water with Bigelow teabags for $65 a gallon-to be fair we get lemons, honey, cube sugar and cream to accompany our tea! The freshly brewed regular coffee is also bargain priced at $65 a gallon. Seriously? We are paying $65 dollars a gallon for water!!!!!! These prices do not include tax or 18% gratuity.

En fin, for a two hour meeting today UT and our publisher have spent approximately $1200. I'll have to get back to you all about how worthwhile this expenditure was.


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